What you’re looking at right here is a Plan B. Not that there’s anything wrong with a Plan B, it’s just not a Plan A. Plan A was going to be BEA-U-TI-FUL!! It was going to be delicate and pastel-colored and bursting with so much Easter cheer that you just couldn’t help but take the giant project on of actually producing one yourself. Giant project yes, and also a giant flop. Sigh… So I had to come up with a Plan B. While I was cleaning up the also giant mess of Plan A, I could only think of one thing – SIMPLIFY.
Yeah sure, the goal for Plan A was to break Instagram with the millions of likes I would get (ha!), but I’m not sure anyone would realistically make Plan A. I probably wouldn’t. So here’s Plan B. It’s delicate and delicious, has a pop of color, and is, most importantly, simplified. You could make this. Easily. I promise.