Sunday Dinner Green Beans

Sunday Dinner Green Beans

Sunday dinner is a bit of a big deal in my family. Growing up it was always the “big meal” of the week, when my mom made things like roast beef with potatoes and Yorkshire pudding and homemade gravy and always dessert. Always. Calories don’t count for Sunday dinner (right?) and we go all out.

I’m not sure which matriarch of my family started this tradition, but I know for sure that my Grandma solidified it. My family is BIG on tradition (sing it with me… Tra-di-tion, tradition….. tradition!) and I love it! I really do – the holidays and the specific things that we eat on specific days and how we celebrate birthdays.

I also love Sunday naps. And Sundays full of reading on the couch. And Sundays most importantly not full of doing a thousand dishes. So I want a nice traditional Sunday dinner but I gotta get in my Sunday nap too. Enter these green beans.

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The Salad that Saved my Blog

The Salad That Saved My Blog

So, have you given up on the blog? Remember when you were a food blogger for like four months? Are you just not going to blog anymore or…?

Questions I’ve been getting for the past almost year. And all very good questions! And I’m glad for the questions because it makes me feel like people actually read what I wrote and care. Success!

To be completely honest, I kind of lost my mojo. Work got busy and Sutton got busy(er) and we bought a house and then holidays and then… life, right? And in all of this I lost my blog mojo. It felt like something looming over my head, a pushed-to-the-bottom item lurking on my to-do list that I constantly felt guilty about. I mean, I’m paying like $8 a month to keep this domain name as mine, I should probably put that $8 to good use.

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